What Is An Advanced Health Care Directive?

An Advanced Healthcare Directive is a legal document that outlines your instructions for medical care. This includes end-of-life care when you can no longer make those decisions for yourself. Many people feel that an Advanced Health Care Directive is only for older adults, but they are beneficial for any adult, even young adults who are 18 years and older.

In today’s world, accidents can happen at any time. If you are married and your parents are living, an Advanced Health Care Directive is a must. When filled out correctly, it will name the person or people who are responsible for making the medical decisions that coincide with how you want your medical care to progress and that includes the authority to end life support should your health condition deteriorate to the point where you cannot survive without machinery.

It is important to know that an Advanced Healthcare Directive is a legal document and not a medical document although it is often exercised in a medical setting.  Its all about designating a third person, a trusted person, to speak for you when you cannot speak for yourself regarding the powers granted.

What an Advanced Health Care Directive (AHCD)Does

  1. It allows you to name the person or persons in charge of your health and medical treatment should you no longer be able to make those decisions. For a young person in a coma, the person or people you name will make those decisions for you. For an elderly person who is becoming more incapacitated, the person or people you name will make medical decisions for you.
  2. It allows you to specify how you want your health care and medical interventions to occur. If you don’t want to be on a ventilator or have life support that will be outlined in your AHCD.

If you are a young person who is in a coma following a car accident or other medical event, you can spell out what you want the doctors to do and when you want them to let you pass. The person you list as your medical power of attorney will also help enforce those determinations.

It is important that you spell out your medical treatment wishes. Not only will doing so help determine the level of care and hospice you want, but it removes the burden of guilt from your loved ones who may also have to make the decision to let you pass or fight for your health.

  1. It makes a legal picture of what your healthcare wishes are. It can stand up for you when you cannot speak for yourself, and it will rein in family members who want treatment options that differ from what you want. It will determine the decision to let you pass even when loved ones want to keep you connected to life support.
  2. It also may give legal authority for, organ donations, authorization of an autopsy, disposition of your remains, burial or cremation, and instructions for your funeral.

What You Can Do

Advanced Health Care Directives are your last voice in how you want the medical quality of your life to proceed. They work with the power of attorney forms and are best filled out by a senior lawyer who specializes in Estate Planning.

Contact Charles Stark For Assistance With Advanced Health Directives

Charles Stark, Attorney & Counselor At Law offers estate planning, trusts, and advanced health care directives throughout the state of California and the greater Sonoma County community.

Learn more about setting up an Advanced Health Care Directive regardless of your age and the health care control they provide by reaching out to Charles Stark.

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